Hepco Linear Motion

Hepco Linear Motion Systems­­­

Statewide Bearings offer an extensive range of HepcoMotion linear motion systems and automation components.

Why Vee guides?

Designers and engineers are trending towards the use of profile bearings and guides. In reality, though, designers would be better served in many applications by considering the merits of alternative technologies like Vee guides.

Profile bearings and rails have a higher load carrying capacity, however Vee guides are always selected with the life that is required based on the duty cycle of the machine as a solution.

It is rare for applications needing to replace a Vee system in its entirety because it has come to the end of its desired life. HepcoMotion GV3 Vee systems are normally supplied as double edge slides with carriages. Bearings are covered with cap seals that provide lubrication, in many cases, for the life of the machine.

For higher duty cycles over long strokes a standard bleed lubrication systems can be fitted.

If you require any further assistance please contact a Statewide Linear representative to provide advice and design assistance to satisfy your requirements. Hepco Motion linear products can offer unique solutions where by speed, environmental conditions, assembly and mounting conditions are challenging.


Hepco have a number of real life application videos. Click the below links to find out more.

Hepco Beckhoff XTS

DTS Chinese Case Study

DTS Korean Case Study

Riber (SL2) Case Study

Solar Tubes (HDS2) Case Study

Colin Mear (DTS) Case Study

Walter 1-Trak Case Study


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